sábado, 20 de octubre de 2018

"Skull on the Chest" Brocken Jr.: Stylish Red Rain

At first I thought that the units on the Kinnikuman Muscle Apparel Gacha Set were specifically based on Choujin who were basically cosplaying as profesional wrestlers.
To keep it safe they cosplay as Japanese Wrestlers...most of the time
And I was kinda bummed when I wasnt able to recognize the wrestler Brocken was cosplaying, maybe he was based off a German wrestler?

Pictured: the only german wrestler I know
But then I remembered that KMA was actually an official store, and the units of the banner are based on their apperances in the merchandise.

Case in point
…Im still confused why he doesnt look too far from appearing in a Village People video...maybe is the (what it looks like a) sweater that he is using.

I dare you to tell me that Brocken wouldnt look out of place on this picture (Or Geronimo, Terryman and Soldier for that matter)
Anyway with that out of the way lets start the review by checking his abilities:

Current Rope resist/Lighting Boost (Strong)/Bomb Resist/Akuma Choujin Killer (Strong)
In a similar way than Warsman, Brocken’s two most important abilities, Current Rope Resist and Lighting Boost, is a tándem that we have seen a lot lately, but unlike Wars, from the get go we can see what Brocken can bring to the table to stand up.

His resistance to Bombs and Akuma Choujin killer ability, alongside the previously mentioned ones, put him alongside Prince Kamehame as one of the best units for the 1500 Stecasse King fight, countering all about all but one of its hazards,  with said exception being the Sand Hell Towers, although that those can easily be removed before his turn, so with a bit of preparation they wont became a problem.

The second Fight that comes to mind would be the 2000 Big Body raid. Similar to the SCK Fight, he counters all but one hazard, on this case Dimensional Hole, which, once again, can be deal with, either with a unit that removes the Holes, or getting rid of the spawners (which are Akuma Choujin, so if you are lucky enough Brocken could one-shot them with his Friendship Attack, or atleast weaken them enough so his teammates can take them down), making him a solid choice for this raid too.

The last raid where he could be useful Is on the Neptuneman Fight, although this is a case where he would be at the bottom of the list of units that would be considered. The only abilities that would be of use would be Current Rope/Lighting Combo, due to the lack of Bombs and Akuma Choujin, being no longer be able to be used at his fullest and outclassed by other units…

Although all things considered, this is the kind of Fight that if you bring atleast two of the best options for this, the other two units can be anything as long as they have Current/Blast Rope and Thunder resist, so he can be a decent budget option... 

Nemesis going full on Loud Nigra after taking a look at Fiona...not that I blame him
...Specially considering his finisher.

The cherry on top of this slightly colorful german cake he is one of the few Current Rope/Lighting units with a finisher that Stuns the enemy (the previous unit with this kind of finisher was the most recent Muscle Festival Akuma Shogun unit ), a finisher so strong against Akuma Choujin that the only reason Stecasse wasnt one-shotted was because of his natural Blue resistance against Red, and even then he only was left with just a bit of HP, turning him into a good choice for Colisseum if you dont have any Current rope units that recovers from Stun.

All in all, Brocken is a unit that straight out of the gate shows you why you should consider him as pàrt of your team as one of the few Current Rope/Lighting units designed to be focused on the offensive side of things, fitting of his character, being a really good unit for two Fights, and decent enough for another one.

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