martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

"The Black Whirlwind Soaring Through The Open Skies" Review: Whirlwind Allergy

As we all know, during this Friday the monthly SHOWROOM stream will reveal the 15 million power Fight for Thingman, with him being the last member of the instalment of the Perfect Origin that appeared in the series who will get one.

"About damn time!"

This pretty much marks the end of an era, which isn’t exactly surprising. The Perfect Origin arc ended over a year ago, and DeNa seems to think that it’s time to move on, with the game slowly focusing on characters of the current arc, like the Six Spears and the Justice Choujin who fought against them, appearing on brand-new Gacha Sets and one of them already has their own 15 million power Fight.

I have some mixed opinions about this Fight, but I will talk about them later
So I decided to write a review one of the 15 million power Fight of the Perfect Origin, as a tribute of sorts to the group that despite the fact that they were introduced recently all things of considered, they became as iconic as the antagonist groups that appeared on the original series, leaving the feeling that they always were there.

Which is funny because, chronologically speaking, they all were there before the start of the series
Now, choosing just one Fight to review out of such numerous group (even after excluding Goldman and Silverman) wasn't exactly easy, even after I single out the 16 million power The Man Fight.

I will definitely talk about The Man and his  ̶P̶e̶r̶f̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶C̶h̶i̶n̶ Fight in the future
But in the end I decided to choose the one that really hit me the hardest than any other Fight when I lowered my guard, leaving me with a slight feeling of fear and intimidation everytime I challenge it, that lasts until this day, despite the fact that I should be more than able to clear it without trouble, which really speaks for itself.  

The Fight Im talking about is Crowman’sThe Black Whirlwind Soaring Through The Open Skies

His extremely contemptuous expression really doesn't set a good precedecent

 I think that a little story would be a good way to start the explanation about why this Fight is one my least favourite ones, if not the least favourite one.

Some months ago, when I was finally able to challenge the 15 million power Fights in Hercules Factory, it didn’t took too long before I noticed that those were the first Fights of its kind in the game, and they were quite easy for the most part...

Until I decided to challenge Ganman and Crowman.

Me after trying to clear those Fights for the first time 

To say that the difficulty spike hit me like a truck at mach speed would be an understament. I no longer only needed to just have units with a certain Rope Resist, but also other abilities to complement it…like in the modern Fights. Then again that makes sense, considering that those Fights are the most recent of the bunch (even after the recent update), so of course they would be the hardest ones.
Although the part that annoyed me the most are the fact(s) that these fights have Operation materials, being able to boost your Units’ stats even further, with Ganman increasing the Attack of your units, while Crowman increases the Speed stat…
And the thing is, these Fights are really stingy when is about dropping units to use as Operation material, forcing me to use units with MAX Bond to have atleast one assured copy of the material every time I clear the raid, decreasing my team’s effectiveness due to my lack of suitable MAX Bond units for those Fights and making them even more harder that they should be!

While over time I was able to clear the Ganman Fight without feeling that I only won because I was lucky, sadly that wasn’t the case with Crowman…and with that said lets finally start the review.


Round 1 starts pretty simple, with just a parallel Ice Rope formation that changes from horizontal to vertical and viceversa in terms of hazards and Mirageman, Abyssman, and a bunch of Ogres as enemies…or atleast that’s what it looks like.

After Mirageman attacks you, he will have his finisher ready to use in two turns, which is amusing to say the least. Very few times I have seen an enemy unit of the size of Mirageman having a finisher prepared after just one attack, not even in 20 Million Power fights. So yeah, be careful and try to take him down fast.

And then you have Abyssman, which despite the miniboss of the Round, he isnt that important in the grand scheme of things, with the only thing to keep in mind about him being his Abyss Guardian ability, which, like in the manga, reflects back to you a part of the damage you dealt to him, which may be chip damage, but, unless you have a healer, said chip damage might stack up over the Fight…
(Also fun fact: I lost in the last round of the 20 million power Abyssman fight due to Abyss Guardian. Yeah, it left me really disheartened.)


This round’s initial rope formation is parallel vertical Ice, with a Damage Current rope on the lower part of the ring, making bouncers, like the ever popular 地上最凶最悪超人-サンダー- a bit complicated to use to the risk of touching the current rope. One of the Ice ropes will rotate to the right every turn, while the Damage Current one would do that every two turns, making it hard to activating all the Friendship attacks depending of positioning.

Painman is the miniboss of the Round, accompanied by two ogres and two Junkman, with the latter two having their finishers ready to use in 2 and 3 turns respectively…I’m starting to sense a pattern here…

The last things that you should keep in mind for this Round is that the after their attack the ogres will also use their finishers the next time they attack, after 3 turns for one ogre and 2 for the bigger one, and this Junkman has Junk Spike, which is his own version of Abyss Guardian. So, once again, chip damage. Also they have Perfect Origin Killer (Strong), so if you plan to use 伝説の銀のマスク-シルバーマン-, which wouldn’t be a bad idea, be careful and not put him near them.


Oh boy this is when the f u n begins!

The rope formation is once again parallel Ice Rope that goes from horizontal to vertical, but you will probably ignore that due to the Voltman that instantly used his finisher before you could even have a chance to attack!
And said finisher makes the target unable to use their Friendship Attack for some turns! So. Much.

Suffice to say this Round is the reason why I brought Iwao to the Fight despite not resisting Ice Ropes. His ability to take the finisher for their allies diminishes the impact Voltman’s finisher would have if they could use it freely. Having two Friendship Attacks, which are basically the bread and butter of the game, negated for even one turn can severely cripple you. That would explain why DeNA only used that particular kind of “hazard” twice. Here and on the Grim Reaper 15 million power Fight. 

And even then this Fight only used Voltman for one round instead of all of them
And even then those Voltman are overshadowed by Mirageman, which once again plays the most important role of the round, summoning a big Akuma Shogun…with a finisher…that will use it in just 1 turn. Also Mirageman himself would use his finisher in 3 turns.
The first time I was in this predicament I had a reaction that is similar to the one on this video:

But yeah, this round exemplifies what this Fight is about with freaking honors. This Fight’s difficulty doesn’t come from the three hazards that it uses, and even then, its main hazard at first glance, the Ice Ropes, actually does a good job, forcing you a make a team with Ice Resist unit, whether they could finish the rounds fast or not, which is all this Fight needed to make things annoying.

Why? Because the main difficulty of this comes from the enemy units, that!

These units love to use their finishers as fast as they can, leaving you with a very small amount of time to defeat them before they could use them and deal a stupid amount of damage, which is kind of hard with the amount of HP they have...they always ended up with 10% or less of health after my attacks most of the time! They practically suffocate you with all those finishers. It’s the closest thing this game has to a Zerg Rush!
This Fight doesn’t need many hazards when the enemies are already giving you a really hard time spamming finishers.
And the kicker is that Akuma Shogun has Justice Choujin killer, dealing an amount of damage close to the half of your total HP if he hits one.
Anyway, back to the round itself, we have Abyssman, and you already know the drill. He is the slowest enemy in terms of turns he takes before using his finisher, Abyss Guardian, chip damage, yadda yadda.


This is a breathing room if I ever saw one. Yes I know I called the round with the Ice Rope surrounding the entire ring, which pretty much assures your defeat if you have too many units without Ice Rope resist, the breathing room, but believe me, it is.
That’s how crazy this Fight is.

Anyway this round is a bit similar to the first one in the sense that while Akuma Shogun and Planetman will use their finishers in 2 turns after their first attack, but atleast this time they actually have a normal amount of HP that allows you to defeat them before they can use them. Everything else on this right doesn’t matter much if you have Buffaloman (or Silverman) on your team. They don’t even come close to the stuff Mirageman did on the previous round.

Yeah, this raid definitely NOT made me a fan of Mirageman.

Beating this Fight was way more cathartic than it should be 


And after seeing more finishers than John Cena versus The Rock at Wrestlemania 29, we finally reached the last round, starting with an Ice Rope L formation (my “favourite” one), volcanoes…and a Ninja with a finisher ready to use in 1 turn. 
Because this Fight really want us dead if we didn’t got the memo already.

At this point there is nothing new about this round from a conceptual level that we already didnt talked about. Crowman’s cronies will have their finishers ready after just one attack, so you better get rid of the enemies before they finish you (get it?)

Although when you thought you couldn’t be even more screwed over by this claustrophobic Fight, the Final Round ups the ante with Crowman and the lower Ninja having Stun finishers, making any unit that was hit by them unable to activate their friendship attack and move, and if they just happen to be near a volcano…

Atleast Crowman takes the decency of attacking two times before using his finisher instead of just once, so atleast there is that…

And that was the Crowman Fight…


I really hate it.

The thing is, I can see where DeNA was going with this. They wanted to make a Fight where people wouldn’t focus on having units that ignores or removes certain hazards, but rather on units that would deal extra damage to the enemies and finish them off quickly, with most of the enemies being Perfect Origin or Devil Six Knights, and all of them having Darkness attribute, so the players could prepare accordingly, with the Ice Ropes being there to prevent people from making teams that would be a bit too good for this Fight.

But the kicker was that instead of use the standard “Fire inflicts extra damage to Tree but deals less to Water and so” damage cycle, which would have been a better way to showcase the Attribute system, they opted to make the Fight Darkness-based and most of the best units for it being Light.

Light and Darkness mutually deal extra damage. 

So while you could finish them off faster, they could too, specially Akuma Shogun, which literally was quite the Giant Akuma Choujin that came from Nowhere.

And to top it off, remember when I told you at the start of this review that I had to use a MAX bond unit and crippling my team a bit to assure atleast one Crowman because the Fight, with all his shortcomings, also takes its take its sweet time in dropping the Operation material, instead of something that would certainly make the raid a bit less stressful, like Terryman?
Well the reason why I can’t just use a team fully devoted to deal with this Fight, with just getting a Crowman every now and then (most times than not being the prize for clearing it 5 times) it’s because I really need that Speed Boost for Colisseum, where speed is a really important stat, making this raid even more frustrating to deal with due to how dependent most players are to it.
Some people I know compare this kind of games, specially completing missions, as just being “an extra job”, but I really don’t see it that way. Some of the missions are varied enough to not feel repetitive and the ones that are you can complete them by just playing normally…

But this, THIS, this is the part where I agree with them. The one sucky part nobody wants to do but we had to. Just like in real life

Thankfully this is the only case in the game where they practically forces us to do something against our will, with the only thing that comes close being the 16 million power Chaos Fight.

Im going to shred this Fight into pieces soon

So yeah, suffice to say, this Fight certainly made me feel things that no other Fight in the game did. The other Perfect Origin Fights had their own quirks that made them amusing and memorable in their own ways, but no one of them did stuff that even comes close to the mark that this Fight left on me...

To top it off, in arguably one of the most ironic instances of this game since I started playing, I find myself having a better time in the 20 million power Crowman Fight that this one. Really.  

And funnily enough, Iwao played an important part on this Fight too. Iwao vs Crowman is one the best hidden rivalries the series have ever had
If anything, in order to finish this review in a positive note, Im glad that DeNA seemingly learned its lesson, considering that they never did a Fight like this again. Some of the the 20 million power ones are less suffocating than this one for Fred’s sake!
Anyway, Im looking forward to the Thingman Fight reveal this Friday. Im pretty sure its going to be something interesting to watch.

 ̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶D̶e̶N̶A̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶r̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶C̶r̶o̶w̶m̶a̶n̶ ̶2̶:̶ ̶F̶i̶n̶i̶s̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶B̶o̶o̶g̶a̶l̶o̶o̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶d̶


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